Being involved in an accident is unfortunate enough as it is, but having to file a claim for compensation on account of what happened is cumbersome and tedious. Imagine having to deal with the seemingly never-ending paperwork to be filed, court appearances to be made, and negotiations to be threshed out–all on top of trying to fully recover from your sustained injuries.
For all of this, it proves much more prudent to entrust important concerns and more to a Phoenix personal injury attorney. Not only can one be relied upon to complete all of these administrative tasks, but you can also count on them to devise the most viable court strategy in your best interests of compensation.
The road to making a claim for compensation in cases of personal injury is riddled with various obstacles. On top of that, there are different types of claims and coverages. You will need someone with the know-how and experience to guide you through the process and see it through to completion.
Determining Compensation
Computing a compensation follows an equation that involves the cost for medical treatments and rehabilitation that the claimant has accrued due to the injuries sustained from the accident.
Closely related to this treatment is the claimant’s loss of occupational income while injured. Furthermore, the existence of the claimant’s benefits as an employee of the company should not affect the computation for said damages.
Apart from dealing with the physical injuries, there are also instances when the claimant also suffers from emotional and psychological damages. Post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and more, also require medical care and counseling.
With all of this happening simultaneously, the overall quality of life inevitably becomes affected and disrupted. This is why some accidents are not as simple as they may seem and therefore require professional assistance from lawyers.
Dealing with Insurance Companies
The painful truth is that insurance coverage does not necessarily make things easier in the case of an accident. The first impulse of insurance companies is to find ways to not have to pay the claim. This is why it is not advisable for claimants to talk to claims investigators without first consulting with a lawyer.
Investigators will most likely call you at a most inopportune time to get information about your accident. What you may not realize, however, is that they are not simply asking all these questions in order to put it down in their report, but rather, so that they can see if there is a loophole they can use to lessen their payout to you.
Of course, this not always the case for all insurance companies; there are insurers who really do attend to the needs of their clients. Still, for your own assurance, it’s best to delegate your personal injury attorney to dealing with insurance agents.
Aside from finding ways to minimize a payout, there are plenty of other ways insurers can unnecessarily complicate your claim.
- Apart from finding ways to evade the claim, they can simply deny from the beginning that a coverage or liability exists.
- In other cases, the insurance company may seem cooperative at first, only for you to find out later that they are not willing to agree on a settlement offer that appears fair and equitable for you.
Simply put, insurers can make the entire process as inconvenient and taxing for you as possible. Given your post-accident state, however, you understandably want to finish your pursuit of compensation so that you can move ahead with getting your life back on track.
Having a personal injury attorney, such as those from Your Arizona Lawyer, can help you with managing and minimizing the stress, time, and effort while gaining full and just compensation.
Don’t hesitate to get help today, schedule your FREE consultation!
When You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer. AllLaw.
Damages: How Much is a Personal Injury Case Worth. NOLO.