Tucson Probation Violation Attorneys
Probation Violations in Arizona Are Taken Seriously. Call Your Arizona Lawyer Now.
If you're fortunate enough to have been given probation instead of a jail sentence in Arizona, it's important you follow the court-ordered rules that have been ascribed to your case. In general, people who are given probation need to perform community service, refrain from using illegal drugs, and limit excessive alcohol intake. It's also important that the person goes to court during his or her scheduled appearances.
It is fairly common for people to abide by their probation, but they also need to realize that there can be a series of serious outcomes if they intentionally or even unintentionally violate their probation. If you have been charged with a probation violation, it's important that you get help from a Tucson criminal defense lawyer. Your Arizona Lawyer has offices in Tucson, Phoenix, and the Greater Tucson Area, for your convenience.
If you have been charged with a probation violation call our Tucson criminal defense lawyers at (520) 467-5100 now or fill out our online contact form.
Arizona Probation Violation
A defendant that violates the terms stated in his or her probation in Arizona, faces harsh penalties. The court can issue a warrant for their arrest and can possibly impose the initial sentence, revoke probation, and even increase the severity of the original sentence.
Common probation violations include:
- Failure to pay a fine
- Possession of a firearm
- Possession or illegal drugs
- Failure to appear in court
- Trespassing
- Getting arrested for another crime
- Failure to appear during a counseling session
- Failure to appear at a probation officer appointment
The offenses listed above may seem pretty straightforward, but they are usually contained with complex restrictions that the defendants don't take the time to read and internalize. A lot of people who are on probation are not aware of the fact that they have been confined to their own county and may end up going on a trip to a city that's an hour away. This may seem like something ordinary, but it can be considered as a probation violation.
Why Do I Need a Probation Violation Lawyer?
You need to know beforehand that you can end up being held in jail without bond while the court figures out if a probation violation was indeed committed. This is different from a trial where the prosecutor needs to prove that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. In a probation violation case, the court just needs to find a preponderance of the evidence to find you guilty.
This is not a time to wait. You could lose what freedom you currently have by delaying. Schedule a consultation today!